

About us

FirmFoundation is a registered charity which helps relieve the immediate suffering of the homeless, while working with them to find a practical and sustainable solution to their needs.

FirmFoundation was birthed through a collection of Churches in Harrow who wanted to make a difference. The charity is now working across the Borough of Harrow assisting those who are single and homeless regardless of circumstance.

We are also very grateful for the ongoing advice, help and financial support from many different charities and organisations such as, Housing Justice, Addleshaw Goddard Charitable Trust, Albert Hunt Trust, All Churches Trust, Lawton Trust, London Catalyst, North West London Community Foundation (Evening Standard Fund), Marsh Christian Trust, Souter Charitable Trust, William & Christine Eynon trust, and Churches in Harrow.


To demonstrate God’s love for humanity in a practical, Christian way to those who are homeless, vulnerably housed or at risk of becoming homeless.

We value the image of God in all people and respect the beliefs and cultures of all whom we come into contact with.


To relieve the immediate suffering of the homeless,
while working with them to find a practical and sustainable solution to their needs.

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